Roxana Bacian
The Creative Coaching Project
*Read this text on a clear background
The Creative Coaching Project is a coaching programme with a creative output. The aim of this output is to capture the learning acquired in coaching. This can involve any creative medium of choice: singing, dancing, writing, video etc.
I bring experience of the creative process in writing and the performing arts. Notable achievements include live performances at the Roundhouse and the Conway Hall in London, UK, and publishing and launching a group anthology at Waterstones, Greenwich, UK.
My commitment as coach is to encourage self-acceptance, self-expression and self-belief. It follows naturally to bring together personal development and the creative arts. Using self-expression as a means to open up to the community, appropriately, core parts of this private work. In this way, I hope that personal learning becomes experienced both uniquely individually and also collectively. And that in the process, we feel more connected in our pursuit of becoming who we want to be in the world.
Why The Creative Coaching Project:
Personal development in coaching can often be difficult to capture and share with others, and hence can at times feel like an isolated experience; when actually,
It’s likely there are many others out there who are going through a similar learning process and who might benefit from our learning,
Reviewing and communicating our learning naturally helps us to consolidate, integrate and make use of it.
Who it’s for:
You have a real-life situation you’d like to approach through coaching;
You have an interest in creative expression and would like to invest more time in creating;
You are interested in sharing your learning and providing this as an inspiration to others.
You'd like to have a tangible output of your learning, that you can come back to later.
We decide the number of sessions together
Sessions every 2/4 weeks
Work time in between sessions
Cost depends on programme we agree on
Examples of previous creative programme outputs:
Kirsty’s Leap, with Kirsty Elderton:
(based on one coaching session)
Enjoy Kirsty's coaching experience explored through creative writing. An exploration of the Catch 22 of pursuing clarity.
Complicité, with David Heinemann:
(based on six coaching sessions)
A video collage capturing reflections on coaching collaboratively, being activists for our planet and staying awake to our body.
The Coaching Scene, with Kruti Shah:
(based on four coaching sessions)
A mini-podcast taking a closer and candid look at the intricacies of coaching relationships.